The Blog


May 29, 2015

Apple Watch | Business Post

I’m a techie. I remember the first time I saw an iPhone commercial. I was 18, living at home, hanging out in the den, and yelled at my mom to hurry up and come see! I couldn’t believe a phone that was ALL touch screen that was sleek, beautiful, and seamless. It was a long while after that, that I got an iPhone (Verizon user here) and I’ve been in love with Apple ever since. 

When the Apple Watch launched I was in love. I wanted to get my hands on one not only for my personal life but for the business. I could set timers and have the watch silently vibrate against my wrist. I could put timeline information and have it at my fingertips without crunchy paper or pulling out my iPhone (which I HATE doing!). So i took the plunge! I ordered my 42mm Space Gray Apple Watch and I can’t WAIT to have it on my wrist. 

I use my phone now to reference timelines and the questionnaires but even though I know I am doing only that I’m always terrified that a bride thinks I’m zoning out or not fully present or God forbid, bored. Eh. It just makes me cringe thinking about the 3 times I look at it during the day. So this takes that cringe worthy moment away! Yay! 

Most importantly, I want to know just how many calories I burn while shooting a wedding and how many donuts that equates to! 😉