The Blog

For Photographers, Personal

January 11, 2016

My Little Office!

What you don’t see in these images is the couch pushed up to the television and the pile of things that have to be sorted that sit right outside the frame. Since I live in a little one bedroom/one bath apartment I had to get creative with an office space! I didn’t have room for a full desk so I’m making on of those sofa tables work until I have the space! 

The gallery walls were just added this last week so I figured that once they were up I would share some photos of my work space! Eep! I kind of love it’s little coziness! You see that shelf under my desk? That’s Otto’s favorite nap spot while I’m working! 


Desk: Ikea | Chair: Ikea | Pillow: Homegoods | Clock (doesn’t work & sold out everywhere): JC Penny | Two Sues Mustard Bag: Kelly Moore | Kelly Boy Brown Bag: Kelly Moore | String of Lights: Target | Gallery Shelves: Homemade – Based off of Ikea’s | Sound Speaker: Bose | Candle: Anthropologie  | Washie Tape: Target | Rug (similar): Target | Cell Phone Case: Skinny Dip via Nordstrom | “Calm The Hell Down” Print: Hallmark (other prints were taken by yours truly)| “C” Candle (On Sale!): Pottery Barn | Vornado Flippi Fan: Target