Why I Love Madison


step into their celebration

Why I Love Madison

If you know me at all you know that I love all things Madison. I’ve lived here since August of 2012. One downtown apartment & 3 West Side apartments and I adore it. There is so much about Madison that keeps me falling in love with it more each year… So I wanted to share why I adore it!  

The Food – This should come as no surprise but Madison doesn’t let down when it comes to the food department. Loaded with locally owned restaurants with fresh ingredients, or any chain you could dream of (or a 1AM slice of pie at Ians or cookie night cap at Insomnia Cookies?!). It’s impossible not to eat delicious food & if you aren’t.. You’re doing something wrong! 

The Communities – Madison is a big city with a small town feel. Most times I’m out and about I see at least one person I know and/or recognize. The city is put together with multiple communities that all run together. This gives it that home town feel without making it feel too small. I’m not even talking about the big ones like Fitchburg, or Middleton. I’m talking the Atwood Avenue community or the community that surrounds Willy Street. 

The Nightlife – As most 25 year olds, I enjoy a Saturday night out on the town with friends. State Street is awesome (& usually provides a rowdier evening due to UW) but want a quieter night with a more mature crowd? Go towards the Capitol. This city is full of places to grab a locally crafted beer & some great curds 😉 

The Ability to Be Outside – Bike Paths, hiking, parks (for both humans & dogs), patios (of the drinking variety), the farmers market, concerts on the Capitol lawn, & the list could go on. All these things are sprinkled throughout the city. My favorite thing to do on a nice day is take Otto for walk & you won’t be alone. Madison residents seem to be happier when we’re outside & it’s contagious. 

The Free Entertainment – Obviously a lot of this applies to summer but as we defrost it gets me more excited. What about concerts on the square? Or a cold brew + local music at the Union? Concerts on the Rooftop at the Monona Terrace anyone? All these are free & wonderful. The concert on the square even lets you bring your own wine & munchies! Win!