May 10, 2016

Shoot & Share 2016 Contest

For Photographers

I hope this post doesn’t come off as bragging, or icky but truth be told I’m pretty excited about it!! So please know this comes from an excited place & that I don’t think I’m the bees knees!!

Phew, with that out of the way! The Shoot & Share contest is one of my favorites. It’s a contest that has submissions from all over the world & opens up the door to follow some SUPER talented individuals (& make me want to move to the mountains!). You can submit up to 50 images into multiple categories (I forget how many there are now… 12? Maybe?) that range from newborn to bridal party, to details! There were 225 THOUSAND images submitted this year from 120 countries.. WHAT?! That’s seriously so amazing.

The best part? Anyone can vote. While you’re voting you are given a set of 4 images & you pick which one you like best. Then you’re giving a different set (from maybe a different category) – Each image is seen the same amount of times during the contest. I voted a lot and only saw one of my images the entire time! 

So I wanted to share how Caynay ranked this year!! Last year I only submitted 5 images (& did pretty well) & this year I went the full 50. It was super interesting to see how images I thought would do really well got eliminated in the 3rd round and the ones I thought would do well but not great ended up going the farthest!! So here we go! 

Oh, I also want to say, the images are blurry because they were pulled from my profile off of Shoot & Share. So they aren’t full resolution! 😉