The Blog


July 28, 2016

Sarah & Ross | An Olbrich Botanical Garden Engagement Session

I arrived on location at 5:40PM. With twenty minutes to spare I hung out, snap chatted, & caught up on social media! Sarah texted me that they arrived & I got out of my car and wandered to the entrance. I looked around, weirdly there was no one getting out of cars… Hmph, I was slightly convinced I was on Punked (or that Sarah was a robot all along).

& that’s when I realized it… Yikes…

I went to the WRONG location! Oh em gee. I’m still in disbelief that me, Miss. Ducks-In-A-Row Cait went to the wrong garden! 

Fortunately these two, much like any Caynay Bride & Groom were super understanding and so go with the flow (& thankfully I build in cushion time for this instance!).. I made the 23 minute drive over from the UW Aboretum to Olbrich (WHY does 6.9 miles take that long in Madison?!).. I collected myself & deep down I knew that this session was going to be absolutely amazing.

I was completely right. Full of golden glow, two people who straight up had the giggles (& needed hardly any prompting) & a backdrop that exists only in dreams. October can hurry itself right on up because I can’t hardly wait to get these two in front of the camera again!! 

Sarah, also TOTALLY reminds me of Blake Lively… So there’s that!!