2016 Favorites | THANK YOU!!!

For Brides, Personal, Wedding

step into their celebration

Where oh where do I even begin?! 

I laid in bed, reading every bit about photography I could soak up. I was eager to learn, eager to shoot, and ready to begin a new adventure. Except that adventure didn’t include weddings. “It’s too scary.” “I don’t think I’ll ever be good enough to photograph someones big day” “who would even take a chance in hiring the girl that just started?!”. I was paralyzed by the fear of weddings.

Enter 4 couples. 4 couples that started it all. They lit my fire down deep and made me fall absolutely in love with weddings. It’s been no secret to myself that working under pressure is where my light shines bright. The adrenaline, the love, the excitement. Those 4 couples took a chance on a less-then-seasoned photographer. I had the bare minimum. One body, one lens, 4 memory cards, 1 battery, and a less-then-stellar flash. I was always up front with them in my lack of experience but they welcomed me with open arms and cheered me on.

2016 made that fire burn a little brighter and I walked away from this season feeling accomplished, more in tune with what I’m after, and a deeper love for the love my couples share. You all absolutely blow me away. Your kind hearts, the same open arms those first 4 couples gave me. Little do you know, you mean more to me then I could ever imagine. 

Your support, countless emails, cheering me on while I’ve cheered you on, your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest support. It goes on and on and on and I will forever be grateful for you. This is always both the easiest and hardest post to write. No words can accurately explain the gratitude I have for you all.

I hope I forever feel like the girl laying in bed. The one that cried when I booked my first wedding, the one that still gets the shakes a few moments before a ceremony starts, the one that tears up during the daddy/daughter dance, The one that wishes I could scream CONGRATULATIONS as you come back down the aisle.. & the one that get’s blown away every time someone chooses to have me as their photographer.

From the bottom of my very heart.. THANK YOU. Thank you a million times over. I love you all! XO