The Blog


August 17, 2017

Jamie & Joe | An Engagement Session in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I feel like I start out EVERY blog post by saying, “I’m so unbelievably excited to be sharing these two with you today”.. But the fact of the matter is, I am ALWAYS excited to share new images. Not because I think they’re beautiful (well I do think they are) but because sharing new images means a few things. The images are either 1) celebrating a newly married couple or 2) sharing a new Caynay Bride & Groom. I don’t know about you, but those are two things to get VERY excited about.

Jamie & Joe have me excitedly pushing that “publish” button. You see, Joe was at the same handful of house parties that I was at. Then it was Joe & Jamie at those same parties. These two just seem to “fit”. When you think of one, you think of the other. Spending the evening with them only solidified those thoughts. I’m SO very excited to be welcoming them to the Caynay Fam Bam. Can’t wait to celebrate your marriage next year!! <3