November 5, 2018

The Digman Family | A Newborn Lifestyle Session in Madison, WI

Portrait Session

Ah. I can’t believe I’m getting to blog these images. It was 9 months ago that I was over at Trisha & Corey’s place for pizza and wine. I had an inkling that an announcement was coming but it was 110% a hunch. As I sipped on my wine with Trisha not touching hers, she reached out and handed me an ultrasound photo. Her and Corey were going to be parents!

Backing up a bit to 2012, I vividly remember the first time I met Trisha. I was getting a tour of the preschool that I going to start working at. While standing in the office Trisha walked in with her super cute outfit (& a pair of jeans that I had coveted for a long time.. #fashionproblems). It was shortly after that, that we were sticking our heads through our adjoining door and sharing stories of our crazy students and our lives.

She was dating Corey at the time but it was even in the beginning of our friendship that I knew these two shared something special. I’m pretty sure it was obvious to everyone around us too. You see, Corey worked in the gym facility in the same building and was often popping up for hello’s. The excitement in both of them was contagiously joyful.

On October 24, 2018, these two welcomed their beautiful son. After they got home and settled, I popped over to meet the chunk (with the BEST cheeks) and take some photos of them. I’m SO unbelievably excited to be sharing these with you today.

The three people in these photos mean a lot to me. Maybe that’s why I’m SO in love with the images 😉