January 26, 2021

2020 Best of Weddings | A Madison Wisconsin Wedding & Portrait Photographer


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My first wedding post was in January and I started it off by stating that if it was any indication of how the season was going to go it was going to be “full of beauty, joy, stunning light and an all around spectacular year”. But as you know things got hard. Like real hard. As you know the gist, couples had to cut guest lists, shorten their days, pivot (a word I never want to say again after the year 2022) and change up their expectations for how their days would look.

While my overall predictions for 2020 were a tad bit incorrect the core of it wasn’t. The days I celebrated were still beautiful, they were still full of joy, and hot damn they were SOAKED in beautiful light. The season ended up smaller then I had hoped but the 15 days I did have (8 full days & 7 micros) were absolutely stunning. We will never forget this year and I will forever try to remember it for the magic it still had.

Each year I say that the couples you get share similarities with one another & this year was no exception. They were resilient, joyful, adapting, happy, and focused. Resilient that their plans didn’t work out perfectly. Joyful that the day still happened. Adapted to the ever changing pandemic precautions. Focused on marrying their spouse because in the end… That’s all that matter.

Thank you so my amazing clients for filling my calendar with beautiful days. It was such a honor to celebrate and photograph your days and I will forever remember the joy you brought me during a challenging year!