Missing Teeth & The Power of an Angle


step into their celebration

Missing Teeth & The Power of an Angle

The fuzzy one is definitely a more compliant subject compared to the bullies. This little guy was hanging outside with me all day while I cleaned my car. I told him to sit and he sat. The only thing he got distracted by was cars driving by the house 😉
Have I mentioned how in love with my new camera + lens? Gosh. It’s definitely my baby. I did have to do a little more post processing than I normally like on these. Being in the midwest in March means no color. The grass is brown/dull green and the sky was cloudy. So I had to add a little more color to give these the “pop” I wanted.
I also wanted to discuss angles. I was glancing back at my previous work (on people) and realized that this is something I need to work on. I get nervous when shooting people and there are a million things running through my head (aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focal length, composite), that I forget my angles! I’m a little embarrassed to say that they are all head on and in line with my subjects. I have read countless amounts of articles discussing that a good angle can and will make your photos more interesting.
Well, I tried an experiment today. I shot Cooper right in line and at his height and the photos were mundane. There was no interest to them. So I put the camera on the ground and shot UP at him (besides the last one), & I believe they are much more interesting. I try to look at my photos from an outsiders perspective and I feel they portray a little more emotion than my failed attempts. 
Hope you are surviving the time change. Monday’s are no fun and this makes it a tad bit more difficult. 
Also, take a peek at Coopers missing bottom tooth. We one day noticed that it was missing and I constantly tease him for it (Yes, I talk to my dogs.. I know, I’m nuts).