

So, there’s this lovely little website that is full of design, quotes, photography, & anything else imaginable. I love everything about it. What’s this lovely little website you may ask? Pinterest. You can organize all your “pins” into boards that represent what is in those boards. It makes no sense until you visit it. I believe it is still under beta testing so if you want an invite just email me! : ) Without further ado I will share my top favorites pins from this week! Click the caption to be taken to the original source of the image.

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 Isn’t this cake the most glorious thing you’ve ever seen? Swoon. Complete & total swoon.
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 I’m going to California next summer (actual the Palm Desert). I hope (HOPE) to look like this. Fingers crossed.  I dislike absolutely DESPISE working out so we will see how this goes.
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 Ah, this bun. Oh this bun. Makes me want my hair super longs again. Here’s to growing it out slowly but surely.
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 I. Love. This. Image. The light, the grace, and beauty. Makes me miss dance. boo.
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 I want everything about this bedroom. Absolutely everything. That is all.
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 So very true. This quote says it all.
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Can it be fall? Puhhhlease? I am so ready for boots, jeans, sweaters, scarves, and any other wonderful fall piece of clothing. #sosickofsummerheat : )
Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!