Let’s Do 52 | 2012 My Theme.


step into their celebration

Let’s do 52! It is this awesome project launched by numerous photographers through the blogosphere. However, Annie from Paint the Moon Photography is the project I follow. She has just posted an awesome article discussing this project here
The project is to get you to take a photo a week. It can be from an iphone, point and shoot, or any other type of camera you have. Annie posts different themes every week that give you something to strive for and to search for something to capture. I wanted a single theme. I wanted it to tie together at the end of the year as a story. 
 I attempted to do this project last year and lost motivation and inspiration so I gave up. This year I hope to stick with it. I want to capture what I’m feeling each week to push my abilities with my camera. 
So here it is.. This years theme (for me) — It may shift and change a little throughout the year but I’m hoping it flows nicely..

& I hope you’ll participate! With the link to Paint the Moon there are instructions on posting to a flickr account if you want to participate and don’t have a blog! Or you could get a blog for the project.. blogspot blogs are free & super easy to use.
I also want to link up with anyone participating. So if you are.. leave a comment and we can link each other at the end of each week on the posts :  )