52:5 | Comfort


step into their celebration

School is in full swing & I can definitely feel it. I don’t have that many classes, but the load is heavy. Memorizing all the state standards for preschools by DCFS? Designing and building an entire preschool based on DCFS standards? It doesn’t sound stressful but this girl gets stressed super easy. Here’s to many cups of hot chocolate at all times of the day 🙂

If you’d like to know the story of why I’m doing P52 click right here. By clicking the link you will also be able to see a composite of all the P52 photos in one place!

Be sure to check out these great blogs participating in Project 52:
Styleberry BLOG . Wicked Kate . Lucas & Mahina . Englexas Freckled Pink
& if you want to link up.. Comment on a project 52 post with a link to your blog & we’ll link up!