April 27, 2012

52:17 | Education


This is where you’ll find me lately. Glued to the couch with papers scattered everywhere, binders as high as sky scrapers (exaggerating maybe just a tad), & soaking up everything I possibly can. I’m 1..ONE..credit away from graduating and my school is giving me a hell of a time for it. I have been running around campus like a mad woman & I am done. So done with the round about, the “I can’t help you, you need to talk to so & so”. Ugh! So this seemed all too fitting for this weeks project.

Final projects are always my favorite. The amount of points they carry always fuels  me and my OCD always kicks in. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to projects. Everything. has. to. be. perfect. or it nags at me. It’s a quality I actually really like about myself. I am what you call a bipolar procrastinator (don’t think that’s a real term but it works). Sometimes I get things done the night before (which will happen with the paper I have due on Tuesday) & then other projects get done way in advanced (like the project I already have completed for May 8th).

Happy Friday everyone.. My least favorite day of the week.. boo.

Be sure to check out these great blogs participating in Project 52:
& if you want to link up.. Comment on a project 52 post with a link to your blog & we’ll link up!