The Color Run | Chicago, Illinois


step into their celebration

This was the most fun I have had in a long time. It was such an great experience & the energy everyone carried was so upbeat. It’s also super fun when you’re the first people to show up 🙂 Enjoy my words from the day and some iphone/point & shoot snapshots. 
For those of you who have never heard of The Color Run. It’s a 5K race held by various cities at different dates throughout the country. You can read more information about them here! Basically as you run you get powder paint (which doesn’t taste good even though one of the main ingredients is sugar) thrown at you. I will say that there wasn’t as much paint actually during the race as I would have liked.. But the “after party” which is the photo below is where the paint was at!
If you are looking to do one I HIGHLY suggest watching the sign up dates like a hawk. Chicago filled up within 3 days of registration opening & I believe there were 8,000 runners present.  

Bottom Left: My alarm promptly went off at 2:30AM.. I went to bed at 1:20. Let’s just say it was oh so tempting to hit the “snooze” button. We headed into Chicago promptly at 3:15AM. I am in no way a morning person. It was a struggle. We were there way early. Like 5AM early & the first wave of runners weren’t allowed to start till 8AM. It was fun. I am tired. I would absolutely love to do it again.

Bottom Right: Chicago is way pretty at 5AM.

Bottom Left: We became slap happy. That’s all there is to that. Ha.

Bottom Right: That did NOT feel good 1 mile into the run. Poor life decisions my friends.

Bottom: More hanging around before the race. I wasn’t kidding when I said we were early.

Bottom Left: Trying to blow a bubble while attempting a jump photo does not result in a pretty face…

Bottom Right: After the race! Obviously!

Here’s a little video I put together from the day. There are more images & some video clips!

It truly is the happiest race on earth.