Because Of You…


step into their celebration

Because of you, we can live in this nation of freedom, beauty, and grace. Because of you, we have promise & a hope for our futures. Because of you, I get to feel safe in a world of chaos.

I’m the type of girl that tears up during the national anthem. The girl that swells with pride when I see our flag flying. I am unbelievably proud to be from this country & to call myself an American. The country that I so very luckily get to call my home. There are many times where I sit back and just think of how fortunate I am to have the rights I do.

This is all because of you.

We shouldn’t be thanking these heroes only one day while they fight 365 for us. It should be everyday. We should be thinking of them always. To the men and women who have served & those who are currently serving. From the very bottom of my heart.. Thank you.

To my two older brothers who have served their country, to my grandpa’s who dedicated their time to keep this country free, to those who are sacrificing their lives & continue to fight for our freedom. Again, thank you.

“Home of the free, because of the brave.”

My grandfather