Oh, 2012! You Treated Me Well.


step into their celebration

I think it’s safe to say that I’ve already failed one of my New Years resolutions.. To blog more efficiently & timely.. Yeah, & here I am.. Almost a week after the New Year FINALLY getting around to posting about how rad 2012 was.
My clients. Oh my clients. Each and every one of you made my heart sing in different ways. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your awesomeness and your support throughout this journey of mine. I am humbled that you put your trust in my work and supported me. I am beyond thrilled that I was the one that captured these memories. 
2012 brought a lot of growth in my work. Not only in my style, knowledge, but also my gear. Going from a cropped sensor to a full frame and from a stock lens to a glass lens rocked my world (to put it lightly). Now I’m not saying the camera makes the image but it does play a part. I studied, I read, I watched videos, my life was engulfed by photography and it continues to be. 
2012 thank you for bringing me what you did.