I’ve gone through a big life change. I decided to leave my position as a preschool teacher. I needed a switch up, needed a break from the crazy, and wanted to expand my knowledge in other avenues. I landed a job within an office for an investment company. I am super excited about this opportunity and what it’ll bring.
So what does that have to do with blogging? Well, I will say that my position as a preschool teacher was exhausting. As much as I loved my job I came home feeling dead, drained, and wanted hardly any stimulation some nights (no music, no computer, no phone, just quiet) throw an awesome boyfriend and my bestie, Lauren in there and I was either staring at a blank wall recovering or hanging out with them. With that being said, I’m hoping this new position brings me more energy & the nights that I wanted to stare at a blank wall can now be energy channeled to caynay.
I am starting out small with posting EVERY Monday (giving me the weekend to write) and Friday’s (giving me the week). I’m hoping to gradually work up to 5 days a week but we’ll see. I want to share personal content, photographer tidbits, tutorials, maybe some guest posts, and dip back into some design talk.
You may ask, “Why every Monday and Friday?”.. Well I have read a few times discussing how blogging consistency is crucial to a blog. I know when I land on a new blog I look to see how fresh the content is. Has it been written within the last 6 months? I quit reading a blog instantly if I show up and nothing has been posted within the last year. I read blogs that have been posting new content recently because it means that there is a greater chance that’ll continue. Katelyn James (aka my idol) posts every single day. Her consistent posting keeps her readers coming back..Myself included.
What am I hoping? I’m hoping that the consistent blogging will keep readers coming back, keep my interactions up, but also giving me a place to express my likes, dislikes, how I want to run my business, and a place to channel my creative energy.
So, here is a list of blog topics that I want to cover. I will be reflecting back in a couple of months to see how it’s going. I will also replace the topics with the links once the post has been written to keep myself accountable.
>>Tutorials/Photog Tips<<
1. How do I edit? A tutorial on how I utilize Lightroom and what I do to my images.
2. Face Touchup. Contrary to my belief I still want to cover how to achieve a human looking edit!
3. Work Flow. How I import. Where my files land. How do I keep things sane!
4. Tips for macro photography without a macro lens!
5. Focal length and recomposing images
6. Breaking the Rule of Thirds (Ohhhh Boy!)
7. Facebook Etiquette. How I act on my personal page & it’s effect on my business page!
8. Formal or Fun? How should you present yourself in business emails.
>> Client Tips <<
1. What to have ready for your photog the day of the wedding!
2. First Looks. Should you break the tradition?
3. Insert More Ideas
4. Blanking on More Topics
5. Brain is Fried
So obviously I have plenty of topics that I want to cover! I am really excited to start this next week and tackle what I’ve wanted to for a while. I will be updating and adding to this as I think of more topics. If there is anything you would be interested in hearing please shoot me an email at caynayphoto@gmail.com!