March 14, 2014

The Magic of the Profile & Cover Photo


It’s a magical unicorn. A free magical advertising unicorn. I always encourage my clients to make their profile & cover photo images from my session. Not only do I want them to feel comfortable to do so but it also is a HUGE benefit to me and my business.

Think about it. Your clients have your images posted in all their beautiful glory. Whether or not your business name is posted with them it’s still exposure. It’s still displaying your images in a unique, free, way.

I do have to say that it also makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I get to see my images being shared with a platform that hosts a bajillion people.

Kathrine and Myke were my “ah-ha” wedding. The wedding that for some reason made stuff “click”. They were just so laid back, open to suggestion, and they made me feel like a part of their celebration..Not just the photographer. So for months Kathrine has been displaying images from their day. Think of all the people who have seen that?!

& then there is the benefit of booking clients because of the exposure (Duh. Of course!). I booked a wedding from Erin sharing her images on Facebook. Because of her I get to celebrate another marriage between two people in Wausau, WI this summer!

There are times when I wish I could make images from sessions my cover photo. It’d be a tad bit creepy but I definitely want to do it sometimes. So when I see clients doing this I am beyond thrilled and it seriously brings the biggest joy to me.