April 14, 2014

For Photog’s | Email Identity


If you’ve received an email from me chances are you know I’m a rambler and an excessive exclamation point junky. It’s how I am.. Probably because I’m a rambler and an excited person by nature when it comes to photography (I’m a tad bit more tame and introverted in my personal life).

I have sat the pros and cons as to which way I should perceive myself through personality via email. Do I go straight up formal? Am I overly excited like a puppy with a pixy stick? Or a hybrid between the two.

A puppy with a pixy stick in a tuxedo. Boom.

I decided to do a combination of the two. I wanted to be viewed as formal and professional but also fun because weddings, engagements, and love is FUN! No one wants a stiff wedding photog (Maybe some do. Whatever floats your boat dear). But I’m not stiff. I’m lax, fun, and enjoy my time with my clients.

How do you attract your target client? By acting & posting in a way that would appeal to them. Simple as that.

I also want my clients to understand me and my business so before I get into the mumbo jumbo of pricing, what’s included, or what they’ll get.. I share with my clients a blurb of who I am, what I do, and how I do it. This gives potential brides and grooms a grasp of who I am as an individual and also let them know I am a hands on photographer who likes the dirty details of the wedding day. This helps weed out the clients that don’t want an obnoxious detailed oriented person sending emails 4 times a week (partially kidding).

Why do I want to be so hands on? If I know my clients weddings and who they are as people I am not only celebrating them as individuals but I celebrate them as friends. I usually end up tearing up during ceremonies. No joke.

How do I become so connected? Emails and engagement sessions (more on the importance of an engagement session later).

So as a photographer you have to think like your clients. Is your ideal client more formal? Or are they the lax bride & groom who prefer flip flops, chiffon, and a beach verses Jimmy Choo’s, a mermaid gown, and a 5 course meal? They are all beautiful weddings but your email/online personality has a lot to do with who you are drawing your clients from.

Not getting your ideal client? Take a step back and rethink your approach. Think like a client. It will help you out tremendously if that online identity is established correctly.