August 4, 2014

Ian & Kendra | Settlers Park Outdoor Wedding


Everyone raised their glasses in a toast.. Amanda, the maid of honor, explained that she knew instantly that Ian was made for Kendra by her glow.. That her smile had never been as big as it was when she talked about Ian.

Oscar Wilde once said, “Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary”.. Or in a rendition that’s more fitting, “Never love anybody that looks at you like you’re ordinary..”

Ian nervously awaited his bride under the pavilion. Adjusting his cuff links, straightening his bow tie, and faintly exhaling in excitement. Kendra tapped him on the shoulder and that’s when it happened. Ian turned around to his beautiful bride and looked at her in such a way that would make anyone believe in true love.

They spent the day smiling, twirling, and basking in the sunlight. It was a perfect August day to celebrate love, family, and forever.

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Cox.. I wish you nothing short of perfection. I thank you for allowing me to capture your big day.. I hope years from now you will look back on these images and remember the way the sun was that day, how perfectly the dress fit, and most importantly how much you loved each other.

Wishes! -C

Forget-Me-Not Floral out of Pecatonica, Illinois arranged the stunning bouquets. 

I experimented a little bit during my editing. Like the one below. It’s a little different but hey, this is “art” I do what I want 😉 

Kendra’s shoes were a wee bit too small. So she rocked these adorable striped socks to protect her feet! 

I didn’t even have to tell Ian to work it GQ style… He just did. 

Might be my favorite image from the whole day. The emotion is just wonderfully overwhelming to me. 

The light was fantastic on Saturday! I have stopped stalking the weather before my weddings. I heard there was a 50% chance of rain that day.. Midwestern weather at it’s finest 😉 

Kendra, you make one flawless bride. 
No second shooter for veil fluffing? No problem. I’ve got this under control! 

Ow Ow! Work it! 
I wasn’t kidding about the light! 

Gah! Love! 

Everyone knows I love me some masculine men holding flowers! 
Someone shouted during this, “Woo! Look at the legs on those ladies!”.. I have to agree. Leg Envy. 

Have you seen a happier couple on their day? No? I didn’t think so. Pure bliss. 

After dinner and cake cutting we snuck outside for some more shots. 

Experimental editing dos. I fell in love with this not-quite-in-focus-but-still-adore image and had to use it. Add some {gasp} grain and it might be a favorite. 

Oh summer sun can I bottle you up and keep you forever? 
Experimental image numero three (I’m bad at spanish).. 
“Hey walk up the hill.. I’m going to take a photo of your butts..” 
Good butts. 
“Wanted” by Hunter Hays was the perfect first dance song for these two. 

Thank you again for allowing me to witness and capture your big day. It truly was an honor! 
Side note: Hello summer blonde hair. Please stay. 
Vendor Love:
Ceremony: Settlers Park
Reception: American Center
Caterer: ABC Catering
Baker: Cakes by Kathleen