Staring at a Blank Screen & Keeping Up My Goal… | Personal


step into their celebration

I’ve read through all my drafts but nothing is good enough for today. Nothing sounds appealing or something that is ready for the blogosphere. So here I am wanting to write a post that says, “I’m not writing today soooooo okay!” but then there is a voice.. A voice that keeps pushing me that won’t let me just not write a post today.

I am an overachiever by nature and a creature of habit. If I start something and continually do it then I have a hard time letting it go and not doing it.. I’m sure there is a medical term for all of this… HA!

Anyway, I have been continuously blogging every Monday and Friday since March… MARCH?!? How could that be possible? It feels like yesterday.. Anyway with the habit set I’m having hard time justifying why I’m not posting today so here is my lame post..

I’m not feeling a writers block (or maybe I am?).. I just haven’t had sessions to post lately and that’s a lot of my content.. Panic! What am I going to do in December?!

So with this super full of content post which will do great in the Stats department I’m sure this is my post today. I have a beautiful wedding tomorrow and an engagement session Sunday that I’m super excited about! So posts are covered for next week! Woo!

Happy Friday!

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