Nicole & Ryan | Elver Park Engagement Session


step into their celebration

If I could create the definition of a perfect evening with the perfect light & a perfect couple it’d be found on page 88 with a picture of Nicole & Ryan.

Yeah. I just got that corny 😉

No but seriously. It was a couple of weeks ago that I met these two at a local pub for a few beers to talk wedding details and their engagement session. I could tell from our conversation that night that the three of us would get along and create some pretty pictures. Nicole did such a great job piecing together the outfits and it made our evening together so much fun!

We wandered Elver Park (in both our backyards) and just soaked up the light and had a good time doing it. I can’t believe how beautiful and LONG our fall has been this year. It’s making all my beautiful leaf loving clients extra happy!

I can’t wait for your wedding you two & since we’re basically neighbors we will have to grab drinks at Adler’s a time or two! 🙂

One on the left?! First frame. Told you it was going to be good 😉 

 Worrrrrk it girl!! 
 Kinda sorta might be my favorite from the night!! Frankie girl did such a great job! 

 Love this set! 

 I lieeee! This is my favorite! I looked like a weirdo taking it (up on tip toes with camera as high as I could stretch! AND I nailed the focus on the 3rd shot! BOOM!) 

 Nicole’s door knob is to die for! 
 Ryan working his good looks like a seasoned pro!