Winter Session Clothing Inspiration


step into their celebration

You snuggle up against a crackling fire with snow surrounding you and your favorite person. Sipping on hot cocoa draped in a blanket for warmth. Exchanging glances and giggles as the sun kisses your cheeks. This exact scenario has been circling in my brain for a few weeks as winter approaches.

Wow. I can’t believe it’s already November. We have had a killer fall in Wisconsin this year but I’m ready for the holiday’s and some cozy snow (Call me crazy.. Especially after last winter!).. With that said I”m hoping to have some more winter sessions for those brave enough to stand the weather. The  snow makes such a beautiful back drop!

Cozy clothing with a big blanket, maybe a fire, and some hot cocoa. If that doesn’t sound like a perfect session I don’t know what would. I’ve put together a little outfit inspiration with some clothing that would make for a beautiful contrast against white snow and green pines!

I’m a sucker for J.Crew so a lot of the clothing is via there. Obviously it doesn’t have to be exact clothing as Target has very similar stuff for way cheaper. Those Pixie Pants though? I splurged and own every color… Whoops.. They are absolutely perfect for boots and are super comfortable. I also love the zipper detail on the back so I’m obsessed this season.

Lovely Lady: 
Shirt: J.Crew
Scarf: Via Polyvore | Similar Here
Pants: J.Crew
Dashing Dude:
Shirt: J.Crew
Pants: J.Crew
Shoes: Clarks Via Nordstroms