December 29, 2014

I’mmm Baaaaack | Personal Post


Wow.. Totally crickets around here lately, huh? With the holidays things were a little too crazy to keep up with consistent blogging. I needed a re-charge. Some time away from everything.. So I shut the Macbook, closed out the iMac, and kinda disappeared from the blog/social media world!

Well after my little hiatus I am back and good as new. With some fun posts and projects brewing (& my final wedding of 2014 on the 31st!!!) I am very excited to dive into consistent blogging again and a mini OVERHAUL!! Ahhh I have been working hard on a mini re-design and I am so excited to share the final product. I’m making it sound way more exciting then it truly is but still! Got to keep everything fresh and new over here!