May 1, 2015

There’s Nothing Like Wedding Season | Business Post


There’s something about the off season. It’s nice to have a break, to rekindle friendships, tackle the to-do list, build relationships with the next season brides, and time to just “be”. It’s been refreshing, fulfilling, and has restored my well being. But I MISS it. I miss the crazy, the stress, the love, the happiness, and having something to do on Sunday’s instead of just laying on my couch.

As much as I’m going to miss some events with friends I am so so excited for this season to quickly be approaching. I can’t wait to get back to blogging regularly (which I should have kept up this winter.. oops) and editing!! OH how I miss editing (might be my favorite part of this whole wedding photographer gig!). 2015 holds a lot of pretty weddings and I seriously can’t wait! Itching to pick up that camera again and soak up some beautiful bride & grooms!

So 22 days people! The season officially kicks off on May 23rd and I can’t wait!!!