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The Luxurious & Joy Filled Images You Deserve.

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Am I Really Writing This Again?

Discouraged & the Art of Quitting: Okay, I have wrote about this here, here, & here I am writing about it again. My camera has been collecting dust these days. I think it’s time. I think it’s time to sift out the blogs & photographers that I follow that leave me no inspiration. There are many that […]

July 3, 2012


step into their celebration

52:25 | Cherish

This week was tough. This week my grandpa was laid to rest. I am not one to publicly post these kind of things but the blog is my little world. Cherishing my life has always been important to me & times like these always make me hold it closer. It is fleeting..& I want nothing […]

June 24, 2012


step into their celebration

52:25 | Cherish

This week was tough. This week my grandpa was laid to rest. I am not one to publicly post these kind of things but the blog is my little world. Cherishing my life has always been important to me & times like these always make me hold it closer. It is fleeting..& I want nothing […]

June 24, 2012


step into their celebration

52:24 | Teamwork

Oi! Playing catch up these past two weeks. Little mad at myself for falling behind. I was going to quit but I keep imagining a book of this project at the end. Can. Not. Quit.  ………………………………………………………….. Be sure to check out these great blogs participating in Project 52: Styleberry BLOG . Wicked Kate . Lucas & Mahina . Englexas . Freckled Pink . Dana Moran Photography […]

June 24, 2012


step into their celebration

52:23 | Move

Exercise and I don’t get along very well. I don’t like how much I want to eat afterwards, I don’t like that I build muscle causing the scale to go up verses down. I lack motivation. This little app though has helped that. I love that it tracks my completed miles & all the logistics. […]

June 8, 2012


step into their celebration

52:23 | Move

Exercise and I don’t get along very well. I don’t like how much I want to eat afterwards, I don’t like that I build muscle causing the scale to go up verses down. I lack motivation. This little app though has helped that. I love that it tracks my completed miles & all the logistics. […]

June 8, 2012


step into their celebration

52:22 | Focus

I’m loosing my focus. I’m losing my drive to complete this project & it is no bueno. I have been anti-camera this week which is very unlike me. Not cool 🙁  ………………………………………………………….. Be sure to check out these great blogs participating in Project 52: Styleberry BLOG . Wicked Kate . Lucas & Mahina . Englexas . Freckled Pink . Dana Moran Photography ………………………………………………………….. & if you […]

June 1, 2012


step into their celebration

52:21 | Goof

This image. This image nearly gave me a heart attack. I was good. I had my camera strap wrapped around my wrist. Thank. The. Lord. Because my wrist gave out. My hand let go of my camera…….long loud gasp….My stomach was up in my throat, my heart about burst from my chest. I slammed my […]

May 25, 2012


step into their celebration

52:21 | Goof

This image. This image nearly gave me a heart attack. I was good. I had my camera strap wrapped around my wrist. Thank. The. Lord. Because my wrist gave out. My hand let go of my camera…….long loud gasp….My stomach was up in my throat, my heart about burst from my chest. I slammed my […]

May 25, 2012


step into their celebration

52:20 | Outside

………………………………………………………….. Be sure to check out these great blogs participating in Project 52: Styleberry BLOG . Wicked Kate . Lucas & Mahina . Englexas . Freckled Pink . Dana Moran Photography ………………………………………………………….. & if you want to link up.. Comment on a project 52 post with a link to your blog & we’ll link up! 

May 18, 2012


step into their celebration

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Us On Our Day.


aka Bean.

aka Bear.

Madison, Chicago, Minneapolis, & Detroit Wedding Photographer