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The Luxurious & Joy Filled Images You Deserve.

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What a Milestone! Caynay Photo is Celebrating 100th Wedding!

I’ve sat here for a good amount of time staring at a blank cursor. Trying to fully articulate the gratitude, joy, excitement, and pride that I feel after hitting this milestone….

July 27, 2019

Personal, Tog Talk

step into their celebration

Dear 2017, Where Did You Go? | Business/Personal Post

So it’s my last wedding of the 2017 season this Saturday and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Last year as I booked up I got a little nervous. Twenty weddings was always my goal, but it was the most I shot in one season….

November 2, 2017

Tog Talk

step into their celebration

Dear 2017, Where Did You Go? | Business/Personal Post

So it’s my last wedding of the 2017 season this Saturday and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Last year as I booked up I got a little nervous. Twenty weddings was always my goal, but it was the most I shot in one season….

November 2, 2017

Tog Talk

step into their celebration

Tools The Keep Me Organized | Business Post & a FREE download!

So it may come as a surprise that I do not utilize a business management software. I know, I know. I’m an oddity amongst the industry and you know what? I’m okay with it…

April 13, 2017

For Photographers, Tog Talk

step into their celebration

We all Start Somewhere | Part 1 | Business Post

On March 13, 2011, I started a Facebook page. I was nervous, excited, and had no expectations of where it was going to take me….

April 6, 2017

Caynay Education, Tog Talk

step into their celebration

We all Start Somewhere | Part 1 | Business Post

On March 13, 2011, I started a Facebook page. I was nervous, excited, and had no expectations of where it was going to take me….

April 6, 2017

Caynay Education, Tog Talk

step into their celebration

Your Boss Doesn’t Have Be A Jerk | Tog Talk & Personal

So, if you’re an individual that does struggle with balance, or finds yourself sad that the amount of cool fresh air you got was from opening your fridge.. Then I have something for you, stop being a jerk to yourself….

March 7, 2017

Personal, Tog Talk

step into their celebration

5 Tips For Winding Down | Wedding Style : FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS

I know I sometimes struggle with “coming down” after a wedding day. As a wedding photographer, you’ve been “on” all day, you’re probably exhausted, your feet hurt, & all you want to do is sleep but your brain thinks otherwise….

February 14, 2017

For Photographers, Tog Talk

step into their celebration

5 Tips For Winding Down | Wedding Style : FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS

I know I sometimes struggle with “coming down” after a wedding day. As a wedding photographer, you’ve been “on” all day, you’re probably exhausted, your feet hurt, & all you want to do is sleep but your brain thinks otherwise….

February 14, 2017

For Photographers, Tog Talk

step into their celebration


You know when you come home from a long day at work and you constantly have one pair of pajamas that fit just right. They’re cozy, warm, and make you feel all sorts of lovely inside. That’s what the 50mm does for me. Weird? Probably….

February 9, 2017

For Photographers, Tog Talk

step into their celebration

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Us On Our Day.


aka Bean.

aka Bear.

Madison, Chicago, Minneapolis, & Detroit Wedding Photographer